Preventing future Ebola epidemics in west Africa.
Apparently a climate/sociological linked outbreaks pattern could be the extended drought seasons with rising of human/nature contact when hunters and villagers handle contaminated mammals or in contact with several bat species faecal depositions.
A. With strong prevention education campaigns together with estrict control of vectors (bats species) by rural technicians and officials.
B. Also economic development in key areas (cacao/coffec crops e.g.) to improve incomes of families to avoid excesive hunting exposition to contaminated areas, mammals or bat excreta.
C. New researches might be conducted to achieve "para vaccines" from ebola family like viruses harmless to humans.
D. Promoting production and consuption of probiotic fermented milk derivatives like kumis, kefir and/or yoghourt, related to better inmunological/leukocytes responses to get more resistant persons to several infections.
Biologist, Mikel de Elguezabal
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