Hollande, Obama, Merkel, Rajoy, all World leaders, 200 of you! , in Paris today.
Please, can we have your attention?
shortly, the next ideas are some way another opportunity to cope the actual "climat de désespérance"...
to produce electricity, freshwater, fuel, medicinal gases, salts, plankton.
Resumed document of Egura Project http://egura-project.blogspot.com/2015/11/resumed-document-of-egura-project.html
to help the poor in neuralgic regions, with new" bonds" to sequester C of CO2 into food, clothes, house material... to prevent more poverty, illness, misery. ..
LEA Virtuous Bonds Challenge http://lea-virtuous-bonds-challenge.blogspot.com/2015/08/lea-virtuous-bonds-challenge.html
to cope with housing (housing first! ) this idea-book starter could offer the opportunity to thoudands of young families. ..
Concurso de estudiantes de arquitectura, leer PDF http://oikoetxea.blogspot.com/2015/11/concurso-de-estudiantes-de-arquitectura.html
sincerly yours
Mikel de Elguezabal , Montpellier 1977.
Professor at UDO
some introductory words:
Since scientist does not agree on the causes of Global Climate Change (GCC) by arguing that only human activities contribute to increased CO2 levels in the Atmosphere or that volcanoes in geological times had contributed to this rising of carbon dioxide, we propose different new ideas to control the fact of an Atmosphere richer in this reductive gas.
The Earth atmosphere has evolved from high proportions of CO2/O2 ratios around the Proterozoic era (Cloud, 1968) to very high proportions of O2/CO2 since life developed within the ‘Great Oxidation Event’ exposed in Reddy & Evans (2009), this, creating the Biosphere (the major modulator in Atmosphere chemical and physical conditions). Because of the first apparition of an oxygenic unicellular organism, a photosynthetic Cyanobacteria ancestor whom metabolism is known to use CO2 from ancient Atmosphere saturated on volcanoes activities gases and converts it into Cell material with releasing of Oxygen. The latter, is almost a paradigmatic fact accepted by several Schools of Biological thinking, and is visible in actual times in the Stromatolithes founded in Western Australia, e.g.
The high levels of carbon dioxide in actual Atmosphere are the presumably effect of 200 years from Industrial Revolution and use of fossil fuels of increased human population with abuse of land agriculture and deforestation, contamination of coastal waters and over consumption behaviour of individuals.
The effects of concentration of CO2 in Earth Atmosphere acts in different human interests like global warming acceleration that increase weather disasters, acid rain deteriorating soils, respiratory and others health issues, and the ethical considerations involved, but, there are also evidence of stimulated growth rate on plants, like Siberians forests (Yazaki et al., 2004) that could be seen as an opportunity for others human concerns like food production and distributions of revenues by food international trade among emergent nations.
If reducing industries that uses fossil fuel originated energy to minimal in a mid-term time will cost an enormous quantity of jobs and productivity, the social effects on the Planet could equalize the worst scenario in a drastical GCC (that would affect very poor nations first: flooding, droughts, hurricanes, typhoons, famines, pandemics disease) and then the riches ones. Shorting CO2 producing industries could cost more on social stability in developing nations like China, India, Brazil, Mexico, South Africa, Indonesia, even Russia, that, in a cascade effect could affect the World economy and then, its Ecology again.
Ethical issues arises on which action or decision to take, leave the contamination of human activities gases to increase with real possibilities on GCC, then social problems development, or, cutting productivity so fast that global economy could collapse and the human pressure on natural resources will increase with caresty of jobs, food, equipments, manufactured products, that could cost us the Era of this civilization, we like it or not?
Since the Rio and Kyoto, and Copenhagen (and Paris, soon) conferences had took the humanity attention on GCC, various attempts had been made to permit Industry that uses fossil fuel or contaminating energy, to continue working and producing and employing while they buy a “moral permission” in acquiring Carbon Bonds, that invest this in Projects that sequester CO2 (the major Greenhouse Gas: GHG) or generate carbon sink, preventing a known and calculated volume or mass of this gaseous molecule from the Atmosphere, maybe generated by the same industry that bought the specific project in a Bond of the Chicago Stock Exchange, e.g.
Since GHG mitigation projects generate credits, this approach can be used to finance carbon reduction schemes between trading partners and around the world.
The kind of Projects placed Worldwide that are sell in the Chicago, London or Montreal Carbon Bonds Bourses consist in a majority of Biogas projects, Carbon gases injections in expensive installations, and reforestation....
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