Pemberton's plants & Pamplona! Coke!

Proud of one simple idea, a dream, decades before #internet or #computers!

A mid age person, #Pemberton, an #Atanta pharmacist with #botanical knowledges.... .... Bet for a new enterprise, a new product! 
Something refreshing, energizing, for hydration... Cold... Water from #Georgia's rivers ... cafeine from a tree, #kola nut tree (Cola acuminata), Sucrose from a Big herb, #sugarcane ( Saccharum officinarum ) and special esences from bushes, #coke leaves ( Erythroxylum coca ). This entrepreneur was looking for a health boosting solution... ... And looking back in etnobotanics history... I read a tremendous book titled #OneRiver from #WadeDavis (#Harvard) in which he describes many many details of plants used by our ancestors (yes, added to my #basque Y chromosome, have trillions of #Yanomami mitochondria!) And how coca was almost an elixir medicinal product and was poured in popular drinks, almost as a flavour! 3 or 4 moles!

All health comes from plants!






So, yes I am proud (fier!) Of having XIX century Atlanta's idea here at #Hemingway's favourite city #Pamplona!





Which are our links?


We are also middle age entrepreneurs, dreamers



We are fans of Atlanta #Braves

Because of my beloved grandpa Miguel Méndez greatgrandson of a Heroe: Sucre Grand Marechal , Liberator of Américas!

We have a little cousin in Georgia!  #Irati!  Like the splendid forest of NAVARRA!

Thanks  #Pemberton!

Your flame is now at Pamplona city hall square!

Thanks #cocacola!

For trusting in #US!

The Braves & The Free

Thanks to #ManuAlvarez  and his book that changed my perspective back in 2014... Good bye Atlanta

Hello Pamplona!

Yaile's & Mikel's

#ANDS #coffeeshop 
